The biggest concerns of the potential buyers of an electric
vehicle revolve around the short range, the distance to the charging station
and the long charging time. But the new loading method developed by researchers
of Purdue University should now provide assistance by the filling up of liquid electrolytes.
The fast rechargeable battery will lead to more acceptance of electric and
hybrid vehicles and affect some of the decisions
on purchase of electric
car. Researchers at the American Purdue University in the state of Indiana have
developed a method that can charge the e-vehicle almost in no time. The
technology is safe, cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
Professor Cushman is looking for a new technique for fast trechargeable batteries |
Prof. John Cushman of Purdue University presented the research
results with a membrane-less battery at the International Conference
»InterPore« 2017 in Rotterdam. The on-board batteries of hybrid or electric
vehicles can be charged by the method, as in a refueling operation, through a
quick and easy process. The new technology also reduces the need for a
comprehensive infrastructure. He says;
"Electric and hybrid vehicle sales are growing worldwide and the popularity of companies like Tesla is incredible, but there continues to be strong challenges for industry and consumers of electric or hybrid cars,” said Cushman, who led the research team that developed the technology. “The biggest challenge for industry is to extend the life of a battery’s charge and the infrastructure needed to actually charge the vehicle. The greatest hurdle for drivers is the time commitment to keeping their cars fully charged."
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